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Culture Lab

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Note to Prospective PhD Applicants


My appointment with Stanford Graduate School of Business is in Organizational Behavior, with an additional appointment by courtesy in Psychology. My current research areas are documented in my recent publications, but we have ongoing projects on cultural tightness-looseness; culture and COVID-19; punishment and revenge; organizational conflict cultures; gender, race and negotiation; culture and self control; expatriation; and forgiveness. I am a generalist and other topics are always welcome, especially if your own interests overlap with mine.

If you are interested in applying to Stanford GSB's PhD program, you can find information on how to apply here. You can also contact me at with any questions. 

Potential Research Assistants


Dr. Michele Gelfand’s Culture Lab at Stanford Graduate School of Business is accepting applications from potential undergraduate research assistants with a social science (e.g. psychology, sociology) or computer science background to work on psychological research projects on culture, social norms, diversity, conflict, and negotiation. Dr Gelfand’s lab uses experimental, big data, computational and neuroscience methods to understand the evolution of culture – as well as its multilevel consequences for human groups.

If you are interested in joining the Culture Lab,  please apply here: 

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