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August 14, 2017

Why Sanctions Fail

Huffington Post

Available research on economic sanctions attests to their limited effectiveness at best.

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May 18, 2017

Why Are Some States "Tighter" Than Others?

Psychology Today

When people feel threatened, they make rules and enforce the rules.

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May 11, 2017

Why United’s culture needs to loosen up to avoid more PR fiascos

The Conversation

Is there something wrong with the culture at United Airlines?

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May 1, 2017

The cultural division that explains global political shocks from Brexit to Le Pen

The Conversation

Explaining faultlines in Europe

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February 18, 2017

The Social Scientific Case Against a Muslim Ban

The New York Times

There were many reasons to oppose President Trump’s travel ban on refugees and visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries, which is now blocked by a federal court’s temporary restraining order.

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November 10, 2016

Trump Won by Following This Psychological Formula

Huffington Post

The strongest Trump supporters were those who felt that America was under grave threat.

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October 19, 2016

Female Scholars Suggest Questions for Final Presidential Debate

U.S. News

The final debate of the 2016 presidential election campaign is Oct. 19. Four scholars suggest questions they’d like to hear addressed by the candidates.

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June 18, 2016

Trump Claim That Muslims Don't Assimilate Is 'False,' PolitiFact Finds

NBC News

The following report is from PolitiFact, which has partnered with NBC News to fact-check candidates during the 2016 political season.

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April 27, 2016

Trump Culture: Threat, Fear and the Tightening of the American Mind

Scientific American

For the past 10 months, Donald Trump has been a political enigma...What is “Trump culture,” and where is it coming from?

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November 24, 2015

Want to stop Islamic terrorism? Be nicer to Muslims.

The Washington Post

A warmer embrace could stop homegrown terrorism.

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July 2, 2014

Tightness and Looseness: A New Way to Understand Differences across the 50 United States

Scientific American

Tight or loose? The states vary.

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October 15, 2013

'Bad negotiators': Experts say Congress is getting it wrong in fiscal talks

NBC News

People negotiate over everything. Where to go on vacation, how much to pay for a new car, how to merge international companies, and – as the American people have learned in recent weeks – how to fund the government and pay the debts of the most powerful nation on the planet.

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September 26, 2007

How Avoiding Negotiation Hurts Women

ABC News

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More Articles

May 27, 2014

Why political scientists think Oregon is a really 'loose' state

The Oregonian 

Anyone who lives in Oregon knows it one of those place where you can do your own thing, right?

May 23, 2014

How “tightness” vs “looseness” explains the U.S. political map

Washington Post

We are forever in search of ways to better understand the cultural differences in our country that lead us to such divergent politics.

May 20, 2014

Beyond Red vs Blue: Study of States Finds 'Tight' vs 'Loose'

UMD Right Now

Most people in the United States probably would agree that priorities and values can vary greatly from region to region and even state to state.

December 16, 2013

Why Some Communities Police Themselves, While Others Don't


Familiarity and social ties influence our decision to intervene on behalf of others. 

December 13, 2013

In de buurtsuper verraad je een winkeldief eerder


Speltheorie is nu ook doorgebroken in de psychologie. Een psycholoog van de universiteit van Maryland heeft in samenwerking met informatici een computermodel ontwikkeld, dat laat zien hoe mensen reageren wanneer ze een winkeldief betrappen: geven ze hem aan of lopen ze door?

October 15, 2013

'Bad negotiators': Experts say Congress is getting it wrong in fiscal talks

NBC Politics

Bargaining is so ubiquitous that there’s an entire research community devoted to understanding how people negotiate and what methods are most likely to lead to an optimal solution.

October 2, 2013

Societies with rigid cultural values produce more terrorists

Homeland Security News Wire

Examining more than 80,000 terrorist attacks which occurred between 1970 and 2007, researchers find that cultural values and norms which promote rigid thinking are related to a greater number of terrorist attacks or fatalities. 

May 29, 2011

Nations: Loose or tight?

Boston Globe

Research suggests that our essential differences are not economic, political, or religious. They are historical, rooted in a people’s vulnerability to war, disease, and other threats in the deep past. It’s a powerful insight, with implications for us all.

May 29, 2011

香港社会宽容度排名亚洲第二 仅次以色列

May 28, 2011

India is world's 3rd most repressive society: Report

India Today

The world's largest democracy, paradoxically also has one of the highest intolerance indices.

May 27, 2011

Threats Drive Cultural Norms

Scientific American

A study of people from 33 nations led researchers to conclude that a given people's history of threats leads to cultural norms.

May 27, 2011

Konformistábbak a fenyegetett társadalmak tagjai

Minél biztonságosabb egy társadalom, annál liberálisabbak és toleránsabbak az emberek - állapította meg egy új kutatás.

May 27, 2011

Israel: a looser country than the UK

The Jewish Chronicle

Israel is home to one of the four "loosest" cultures in the world, a new study has found.

May 27, 2011

Study ranks India next only to Pakistan, Malaysia in rigidness

Live Mint

A study published in this week’s edition of Science journal says cultures with a history of war, famine and ecological distress are “tight”, or less tolerant of infraction.

May 26, 2011

Kriege und Nöte prägen kulturelle Unterschiede

Der Standard

Forscher untersuchen in einer multikulturellen Studie, warum Gesellschaften liberaler oder restriktiver wurden 

May 26, 2011

World-Wide Assessment Determines Differences in Cultures

National Science Foundation

Ukraine, Israel, Brazil and the United States are "loose" cultures

May 26, 2011

People in threatened societies are more conformist

New Scientist

Societies facing a host of dangers are more likely to have strict social norms and be intolerant of people who deviate from them.

May 26, 2011

UMD-led researchers assess pivotal cultural differences among countries and why these exist

Eureka Alert

The researcher's findings reveal wide variation in the degree to which various societies impose social norms, enforce conformity and punish anti-social behavior. 

May 26, 2011

Bedrohte Gesellschaften setzen auf Regeln

Je mehr eine Nation mit Gefahren wie etwa Kriegen, Krankheiten, Naturkatastrophen, einer zu hohen Bevölkerungsdichte oder Ressourcenknappheit zu kämpfen hat - oder in der Vergangenheit hatte -, desto eher prägen Forschern zufolge strengere Regeln sowie soziale Normen das Miteinander.

May 26, 2011

Warum Normen für manche Länder so wichtig sind

Bild Der Wissenschaft 

Einen Riss, der die gesamte Welt durchzieht ? so nennt Michele Gelfand, Sozialpsychologin an der University of Maryland, die zum Teil beträchtlichen kulturellen Unterschiede zwischen Ländern mit strengen gesellschaftlichen Normen und solchen, in denen kaum Wert auf Normen gelegt wird.

May 26, 2011

„Österreich ist ein Land der sozialen Normen"

Die Presse

Internationale Studie mit österreichischer Beteiligung hat „strikte" und „lockere" Kulturen miteinander verglichen. Sie bezog sich auf die Normen der Gesellschaft, die Identifikation ihrer Mitglieder mit ihr.

May 26, 2011

Pesquisa lista Brasil entre países mais liberais


O país mais restrito do mundo parece ser o Paquistão, e o mais liberal no continente americano seria o Brasil, seguido da Venezuela. O México é um pouco mais restrito que liberal. Essas são algumas das conclusões de um estudo realizado com quase 7 mil pessoas em 33 países para determinar o nível de rigidez ou flexibilidade nas suas sociedades.

May 25, 2011

Estudo: SP está entre as cidades com mais tolerância social




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