Arie Kruglanski
When I think of Michele, the term that comes to mind is gratitude. Gratitude for having her with us these last 25 years, and for what she gave her students, her colleagues, SDOS and the department. Michele was all about giving, she called it the Jewish Mother syndrome. It was about food, and we all enjoyed the Jimmy Jones sandwiches to which she often treated her colleagues, and the many great parties she threw at her home, whether pot luck or not, but it was not only about food. In my many travels with her on joint research grants she always insisted on giving. After a visit to a Jail in Manilla, she initiated us buying a printer for the warden, and on numerous occasions she initiated invitations of our guests and coworkers for dinners, lunches and breakfasts (OK, so mostly food). I am trying to remember the most striking thing I can recall related to Michele. Usually, I am not an assessor, and find it hard to determine what was best, most, or greatest. In this case, however, the event stands very clear in my mind. It was when Michele shared with me the genealogical information from a family member that she and I are related. This was the most surprising event I ever experienced, and also the best surprise ever. For that too, I am very grateful.